Clothes Press c.1845
Andrew Lenehan
An early colonial Australian cedar Linen
Press by Andrew Lenehan and with a paper label showing his address to be
271 Castlereagh Street, Sydney, and featuring a
triangular pediment and ebony knobs, 19th century patina
Hall Stand c.1850
An early colonial Australian cedar and Tasmanian blackwood Hall Stand, 19th century
Sideboard c.1840
An early colonial Australian cedar Sideboard of compact size, featuring
Huon pine stringing, and a deep left drawer and a pair of drawers to the right
of the centre drawer, all with ebonised knobs, and with a band of ebonised
beading below. Attributed to James Penman
a convict cabinetmaker who worked at
Riccarton in northern Tasmania and provenanced to Streanshalh, more information can be found on p.122 in Early Colonial Furniture in NSW and Van
Diemen’s Land as well as p.135 in Nineteenth
Century Australian Furniture. Original 19th century patina.
Revolving Dumb Waiter c.1850
A very rare Australian Colonial cedar Revolving Dumb Waiter with two shelves rotating around a vase and
ring turned column, supported on three scroll carved legs with brass castors. Attributed
to William Hamilton of Hobart, see his trade label illustration of a sofa in
Nineteenth Century Australian Furniture (Fig.140) Original 19th century
Sewing Box c.1845
An early colonial Tasmanian Musk and Australian cedar Sewing Box, the interior later lined with newspaper c.1859 19th century patina.
Apprentice Chest of Drawers c.1860
An Australian cedar Apprentice Chest of Drawers with a shaped plinth, NSW origin, 19th century patina.
Wine Cooler c.1845
A rare Early Colonial Australian cedar Sarcophagus shaped zinc lined Wine Cooler featuring carved lion paw feet, NSW origin, 19th century patina, c.1845
Games Table c.1830
Ralph Turnbull
A Rare Jamaican made Games Table, attributed to Ralph Turnbull (act.1820-40). It has a chess board top displaying 64 squares of local Jamaican and imported timbers including palm wood & rosewood. The chess board top is hinged, opening to reveal a compartment containing a backgammon board, while the underside is baize-lined. The skirt is veneered and has squares of palm wood at each corner. The lower edge of the skirt is decorated with a finely turned quarter moulding. The veneered tapering octagonal column rests on a quadraform base supported on four carved lotus and stylised animal paw feet with concealed castors. Original 19th century patina.
Writing Slope c.1820
An impressive Early Colonial Australian Cedar brass bound Writing Slope with a concealed drawer, NSW origin excellent 19th century patina, baize replaced.
Clothes Press c.1825
An Important Early Colonial Australian Cedar Gentleman’s Clothes Press featuring a Palladian pediment the veneered carcase flanked by carved & rope twist ½ columns, the drawers with ebony stringing, internal slides missing, NSW Origin,19th century patina,
Carver Chair c.1845
An Early Colonial Australian cedar Carver Chair with scroll arms and featuring flame cedar veneer to the central cross rail, NSW origin, 19th century patina.
Whatnot c.1850
A rare Tasmanian Blackwood 4 tier whatnot with a single drawer and brass castors.
Library Chair c.1840
An imposing early colonial Australian cedar Gentleman’s Library Chair, inspired by a design by William Smee & Sons, NSW origin.
A rare Australian Cedar Work Table c.1830
A rare Australian Cedar Work Table with a cushion moulded frieze a lift lid revealing four lidded compartments and a removable tray, the Lyre design support has brass rod decoration, on a quadraform bace with square pad feet. Several variants of this design can be found illustrated in Nineteenth Century Australian Furniture.
Davenport c.1870
A very rare colonial Australian Davenport in Brush Cyprus Pine (a NSW rainforest timber) having three internal drawers with ivory knobs, on concealed brass and porcelain castors, secondary timber Australian cedar, NSW origin, 19th century patina.
Wall Clock - c.1900
A 13" English mahogany Wall Clock with a fusee movement having a painted dial retailed by Hollingdale & Kessell, Sydney.
Piano Stool - c.1850
An early colonial Australian Piano Stool in Tasmanian blackwood and acacia, an English metal mechanism with a brass plaque stamped Cope & Collinson / March 1844. Tasmanian origin, 19th century patina.
Work Table - c.1865
A colonial Australian cedar Work Table with lyre shaped supports, single drawer with a paper label Chas Artlett ... Rushcutters Bay. 19th century patina, NSW origin.
Occasional Table - c.1880
A rare & important labelled Colonial New Zealand Table by the master craftsmen Anton Seuffert (act. 1859-87) featuring fern & floral marquetry design in various native timbers including mottled kauri, mapau,whairangipiro, rimu totara,rewarewa and puriri. A similar table is illustrated in The Seuffert Legacy by Brian Peet p. 116.
Sofa or Library Table - c.1840
An Early Australian cedar freestanding Sofa or Library Table with a single drawer and ‘S’ scroll decoration, NSW origin, 19th century patina c.1840
Side Table c.1810-15
A rare early Tasmanian Side Table in Huon pine with Gum square legs, featuring two drawers with brass knob handles.
Occasional Table - c.1835
An early colonial Australian cedar Occasional Table featuring a shaped central support in the form of a stylised Lyre, 19th century patina, NSW origin.
Occasional Table c1830
An early Colonial Australian cedar Occasional Table with four legs, illustrated in Australian Furniture page 439, Tasmanian origin c1830.
Serving or Side Table - c.1825
An early Tasmanian square tapered leg Serving or Side Table in Australian cedar, featuring faux front drawers, 19th century patina.
Writing Box - c.1855
A Tasmanian made Writing Box attributed to William Downing. The carcase is Australian cedar & imported Baltic pine it is veneered with imported mahogany & satinwood inlays the feather-banding however is Australian cedar & Huon pine.
Dressing Stand c.1840
A rare Australian Cedar Gentleman’s Dressing Stand featuring two drawers and slides to both sides, in untouched condition, with excellent 19th century patina, NSW origin
Work Table - c.1835
An Australian cedar & rose mahogany Work Table, NSW origin, 19th century patina.
Apprentice Chest of Drawers - c.1885
A rare Tasmanian birdseye Huon pine Apprentice Chest of Drawers, 19th century patina
Card Table - c.1830
A RARE early Colonial Australian Card Table in Tasmanian blackwood & Huon pine.